
"Semiotic Love" - Blaqk Audio

Whoa, apparently I took a summer break from my blog without meaning to! But school is starting again shortly and I'm getting back into the swing of productivity.

I've decided that along with the longer-type posts that I've been doing, I'll make some shorter posts just focusing on a single song or two--maybe this way I can update more frequently. We'll see.

If you've ever taken a peek at my last.fm info, you've probably noticed that I'm a pretty big AFI fan. You've probably also heard of Blaqk Audio, the new electronica duo that is formed by AFI songwriters Davey Havok and Jade Puget. Admittedly, Blaqk Audio mostly sounds like AFI On Techno Juice. Nonetheless, the duo's album CexCells has some pretty good songs. My absolute favorite is "Semiotic Love," a dancy and melodic track that is uber-catchy.

[Blaqk Audio @ MySpace]
[Blaqk Audio @ Wikipedia]